Make More Money Online. You can make Rs 4,500-Rs 12,000 per month. Join Us Make Your Dreams Come true. Make money online start your own home based Business. Be your our boss with ‘Online Karmabarta’ Simple Copy & Paste Job Providing by us with agreement. Regular 100% Guranteed online homebased job provider in India. Beware of Scam .Before registration contact our customer care executive for details. We always believe in hard working process. or night . KEY SKILL:Ads Posting. CATEGORY:Job lot. JOB TYPE :Offering job. JOB SKILL :Contract BUSINESS:Part time opportunity SUB – CATEGORY:Computer JOB ROLE:Services DESIGNATION:Advisor. QUALIFICATION:H.S.Passed. EXPERIENCE:Fresher ADD SKILLS: Beginner. AD TYPE:Job- offering. PAYMENT:Every month 100% payment guarantee. MINIMUM SALARY:Monthly earn salary -4500. MAXIMUM SALARY:Maximum salary- 12000. AGE LIMIT: Must completed 16 years. WORK HOUR:No time limit. WORK BENEFITS: Set your own working hours. DETAILED POSTING INFORMATION:2. Anyone can ! Yes, even if you are a Student, a Housewife, a Businessman or you work in an office and if you can spare 1-2 daily on the Internet this is a Golden Opportunity for you to start making Money from this Part Time Job Work. You can Work from Home, Internet Cafe or even from your office. CUSTOMER BENEFITS:We provide all the work details including Ad content and website addresses to post the Ad content. After registration you will get Private Login ID and Password (User Panel) our Advertising matters + classified website list + A to Z instruction and Demo also . ONLINE AD POSTING JOB WORKS:Ad Posting is a big business in the Internet. Today we are linked with Hundred of Websites & companies & marketing their Advertising campaigns. They are ready to distribute massive payouts for their advertising projects. They need people to do this posting job. NAME:pRIYA rOY EMIAL-ID: USER ID : 1. 196122 2. 7650/OKB/AGT 1.MEMBER OF: Onlinekarmabarta 2.CUSTOMER OF: Onlinekarmabarta COMPANY NAME: Onlinekarmabarta THE JOB OPENING IS PUBLISHED BY: Company. ADDRESS FOR REGISTRATION: S.R.MANSION, RAMNAGAR RD NO-2, TRIPURA , AGARTALA COUNTRY : India STATE: Tripura CITY Agartala Key code: 3thu2tkubru0re1grh6ailhjx0etmo5a CONTACT 9856061438
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